Breach of Contract Claims

Multiple terms and conditions are listed in the contract. When any party that is part of the agreement, either written or oral, fails to comply with the terms of contract, the act is known as a breach of contract.

Alqada is a noted name of the legal sphere. You can always count on us for receiving effective legal solutions.

Important aspects to consider –

All the elements mentioned in the contract must be valid as per the law of the UAE. There can be no lawsuits if elements of the contract are invalid.

The party filing the lawsuit must prove that there has been a breach of contract from the side of the defendant regarding the terms of the agreement.

The party filing the lawsuit must notify the defendant. A written notification serves as substantial proof.

Some reasons that lead to the breach of contract

Fraud – The misrepresentation of truth, hiding facts or deliberately misleading someone. Concealment of the material facts also leads to fraud. Whether you are a victim of fraud or you want a good representation, the team of Alqada’s Best Lawyer in Dubai is always ready to represent you.

Undue influence – When one party has misused their power and the other party was forced to sign the contract.

Mistake – Sometimes errors are committed by either of the parties, and it could lead to a breach of contract. In such scenarios, the defendant has to prove that parties have committed mistakes in finalizing the subject matter. Contact us and we will extend relevant guidance.

Time limitation – Many agreements and contracts have time limits imposed by law. If the deadline is crossed, it is considered as a breach of contract and a case must be filed. So, the breach of contract case must be filed within the set time frames. The technical team of Alqada is always present to guide about nuances.

What are the remedies available?

If a party is held liable for breaching the contract, it can be asked to pay compensatory damages. The damage is provided to the victim as compensation for the loss. The court can also impose a fine if the breach of contract was intentional.

Injunction – The court can also order the guilty to further stop such actions that are harming the interest of the contract.

Lawsuit – If necessary, the court can also issue an order regarding the rescission of the contract. In some cases, the plaintiff suffers so much due to the breach of contract that the court allows termination of the deal.

Mitigating laws

The plaintiff has the right to take necessary steps, but he/she should make sure that his/her steps are not aggravating the situation. Generally, any damage is calculated on the basis of the performance of the plaintiff. There are many technical complications that only highly qualified and well-versed lawyers of Alqada can understand.

Excellent representation and assistance

We are aware that a breach of contract can culminate into tremendous losses for either party. You must hire a competent lawyer for impressive representation. We are present to provide you with relevant guidance. Our legal expertise can protect your interest. Feel free to contact us for further assistance. We will guide you towards all available legal remedies and alternatives. Our lawyers can help you by providing proper contract auditing services with the help of best contract lawyer in Dubai and also their corporate lawyers in Dubai are representing their corporate bodies in business negotiation.

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